Our people
Jan Milliken
Chief Executive Officer
Our CEO started practicing as a Registered Nurse in 1980 and is a certified Remote Area Nurse. Jan holds a Post Graduate Diploma Advanced Nursing - Cancer/Palliative Care, and a Masters of Clinical Nursing. Jan previously worked at the Woomelang and Elmhurst Bush Nursing Clinics and started at Lake Bolac in 2017 as Centre Manager.
Mopsy Laidlaw
Finance Officer
Since 2012 Mopsy has managed the finances of the Lake Bolac BNC as well as helping out with office administration. She is a valued member of the team.
Helen Bubb
Clinical Coordinator Nursing
Helen has been nursing for over 40 years. She is a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Nursing (with Distinction!) from RMIT. Helen is a Nurse Immuniser and has been a Remote Area Nurse for over 15 years. Helen lives in Bornes Hill.
Heather started nursing in 1989 and has been working as a Clinical Nurse and District Nurse at our Bush Nursing Centre since 2019. Heather is a Nurse Immuniser and Remote Area Nurse and has qualifications in Training and Assessment, and Critical Care Nursing. Heather is also a farmer of fine wool sheep in Tatyoon.
Heather Phillips
Clinical Support Nurse
Fiona Meek
Registered Nurse
The LBBNC has been lucky to have Fiona on the team since 2004. As well as being a qualified Remote Area Nurse and Registered Nurse, Fiona is also an Ambulance Community Officer. She has a Bachelor of Applied Science (Nursing) from Australian Catholic University in Ballarat.
Carolyn Phillips
Registered Nurse
Carolyn is our newest nurse and started working at the Lake Bolac Bush Nursing Centre in late 2021. Her nursing career began in 1989 and since then she has worked in Queensland, Saudi Arabia, Bendigo and, most recently, at the Ensay Bush Nursing Centre.
Therese Jess
Registered Nurse
Therese started working as a nurse in 1974 and has been with our Centre since 2015.
Therese is a qualified Remote Area Nurse, Immunisation Nurse, and wound specialist. She also holds a Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment.
Kirsten Walker
Registered Nurse
From Wickliffe, Kirsten has been working as a Remote Area Nurse at our Centre since 2014. She also works as a Paramedic at Hamilton and has a Bachelor of Nursing, Grad Dip. in Emergency, and Bachelor of Paramedicine.
Carmel O'Brien
Carmel has worked for the LBBNC for more than two decades so she's very much part of the furniture. She has a Certificate III in Home and Community Care and does a terrific job keeping the Centre clean.
Sharyn MacLeod
Three days a week Sharon comes all the way from between Dunkeld and Hamilton to help keep our Centre spick and span. Sharon has a Certificate III in Health Services and does a wonderful job maintaining the high standard of cleanliness we require.
Briony Blake
Planned Activity Group Coordinator
Local lady Briony has been coordinating the Centre's Planned Activity Group since 2000. She organises weekly activities for the PAG as well as delivering delicious meals to those members of the community who need some extra support.
Board of Management
Davina Stacy
Finance & IT
Davina is a Certified Practicing Accountant, Rural Financial Advisor and Primary Producer. Davina was elected to the Board in 2016 and is qualified with a CPA, Diploma in Community Service - Financial Counselling, and a Bachelor of Commerce.
Lisa Wills
Safety & Quality
Lisa was elected to the Board in 2013.
Christopher MacRae
Vice President
Community Engagement
Local farmer Chris has been a board member since 2013 and has a Bachelor of Engineering - Mining.
Dr David Hucker
Junior Vice President
Finance & IT
David was elected to the Board in 1987. He is a Veterinary Consultant and Primary Producer and he holds a Bachelor of Veterinary Science and is a member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Science.
Kaye Blackburn
Community Engagement
Kaye was elected to the Board in 1997 and is a local Primary Producer with a background in medical administration.
Malcolm Sanders
Consumer Engagement
Malcolm is the Senior Manager for Regional Partnerships at Regional Arts Victoria. He also sits on the Advisory Committee of Deakin University's Cultural Management Program, and the Arts Crafts and Cookery Committee of the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria. Malcolm lives in Skipton where he tries to grow vegetables with mixed success.
Jill Broderick
Consumer Representative
Community Engagement
Colette Dawson
Consumer Representative
Safety & Quality
Collette joined the Board of Management in 2019